Red Cross (2023)
AdvertisementThis campaign was a fundraising push for British Red Cross. We were given audio recordings of five phone interviews with various voluteers for the British Red Cross.
We cut each of these interviews into 45 second bite sized stories that explained how the Red Cross assists people in need through the eyes of the voluteers. We then created animated visuals to accompany these using a combination of collage and CEL animation.
Director, Designer & Animator
Director, Designer & Animator
Production Company:
Guardian Labs & British Red Cross
Guardian Labs & British Red Cross

Additional Credits
Producer and Editor: Ed Emsley
Illustration and Design: Untitled Studio (Christian Taylor & Pablo Thomas)
Sound Design: Gareth Young

Dan directed the pieces, working with Ed on the audio edits and making sure the selected sound bites formed not only a. good narrative story but also would work well as an animated story.
The volunteers each had uniques stories which required different visuals but Dan wanted to make sure each story had a unifying look to it. Working closely with the animators from Untitled Studio they came up with the idea of 5 squares that form the shape of the Red Cross as a final frame for each film. Inside the boxes would be the last scene of each film, forming a cohesive visual set.
The volunteers each had uniques stories which required different visuals but Dan wanted to make sure each story had a unifying look to it. Working closely with the animators from Untitled Studio they came up with the idea of 5 squares that form the shape of the Red Cross as a final frame for each film. Inside the boxes would be the last scene of each film, forming a cohesive visual set.
They created a 3D black frame which would help to transition between scenes and to resolve into the Red Cross logo at the end of the piece.
IDan storyboarded all of the films as well as creating a series of visual ‘style frames’ for the films to give the client a strong indication of scene content and the aesthetic look.
The team at Untitled then animated and designed the additional scenes based on the storyboard and timing to the voice of the interviewees.
The resulting films are moving because of the authentic stories told in the words of each volunteer and combined with serious sophisticated visual collage animation.
IDan storyboarded all of the films as well as creating a series of visual ‘style frames’ for the films to give the client a strong indication of scene content and the aesthetic look.
The team at Untitled then animated and designed the additional scenes based on the storyboard and timing to the voice of the interviewees.
The resulting films are moving because of the authentic stories told in the words of each volunteer and combined with serious sophisticated visual collage animation.